Third Spray

Spray Date: April 30

The scheduled date for this spraying was May 1, using a two-week interval. Conditions were perfect on April 30, however, thus I took advantage of the weather. I mixed 30 gallons of spray composed of the following tank mixture:
  • Revus Top—60 ml
  • Rally—4 oz.
  • Mancozeb—10 oz.
  • Reliant—400 ml
  • Sevin—400 ml
  • Latron B—60 ml added as a spreader-sticker. In retrospect, this is too much, and I will be reducing this to 30 ml in the future.
This is exactly the same as the April 1 mix. It would allow me enough additional material to spray the apple and peach trees, which is what I did at the end of the first spray April 1, which appears to be working well. I will reduce the amount of spray to 25 gallons on my spray, as I have dialed in the application and do not need the additional 5 gallons at this time. I'm not sure I will ever need to spray more than 25 gallons at any one application.

I will also switch to 10-day intervals during this period of rapid growth, and drop Revus Top for one application, substituting Captan. The Revus Top label warns against two consecutive applications, which I have now violated with this tank mix.

On May 1, I also sprayed a 24-in. strip below the vines with Glyphosate to kill all the grass, clover and weeds below the vines.
