The vigorous Zinfandel growth has most of that variety beyond the top of the Blue-X grow tubes. This guy leads the pack. The rain started just after I took this picture. |
The weather cooperated yesterday and gave us a nice gentle one inch rain and cooler temperatures. It was so dry there was no runoff and almost no standing water.There is more in the forecast for today and tomorrow. The 10-day forecast calls for rain the middle of next week, but I long ago ceased to believe the extended forecast. I will gladly deal with the mud that results from these welcome showers,.I will contend with that until I plant grass in the spaces between the rows in the fall.
There has been only minor problems with munching bugs. It will be interesting to see if the moisture gets something started on that front. It has been so dry that I haven't even had to deal with mosquitoes when I walk the rows in the evening.
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