There were severe but scattered thunderstorms in the Charlotte area on Tuesday, and when I got home found the rain had missed the house. Again. Based on the severity of the storms in other areas of the city, I was grateful the rain missed us.
The vineyard, however, took a direct hit from what was clearly damaging winds. A half-dozen vines were sprawled on the ground, their bamboo stakes snapped in half. It was a little sickening. Growth over the past month had resulted in top-heavy vines, and without a trellis system the wind easily had its way.
Oddly, there was no pattern to the damage; one vine here and one vine there was on the ground. I inspected each vine and could not determine if the vine suffered a fatal blow, was broken or uprooted. I added an additional stake to each, stood up the downed vine and tied it to the new stake with a cable tie.
Two days later and all the repaired vines seem to be doing fine.I can differentiate them only by their double stakes.
The trellis system has moved up in priority.

Oddly, there was no pattern to the damage; one vine here and one vine there was on the ground. I inspected each vine and could not determine if the vine suffered a fatal blow, was broken or uprooted. I added an additional stake to each, stood up the downed vine and tied it to the new stake with a cable tie.
Two days later and all the repaired vines seem to be doing fine.I can differentiate them only by their double stakes.
The trellis system has moved up in priority.
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