Another Late Freeze

Our streak of early warmth came to an end March 3 and 4 when overnight lows measured in the vineyard dipped below 27 degrees both nights. Although the pears were about done blooming, the peaches and nectarines were in full flower. This is a repeat of 2016, when the late freeze took care of the peach crop. Apparently, March freezes are the norm.

I checked the trees yesterday and it appears that while the freeze certainly did some damage, there are unopened flower buds that appear undamaged.We'll have to wait and see if this is unbridled optimism on my part.The apples have yet to bloom, so I may be safe there. The crimson clover got a little dinged, but is already bouncing back.

The grapes, my first concern, show few signs of awakening from their winter slumber. My fellow viticulturist, Denny Allen, reported a few weeks back that while finishing up his pruning he found a few of his Sangiovese vines were pushing buds. Thankfully, nothing like that is going on at my place.

The forecast for the next 10 days shows a string of mild days with highs in the 70s and lows in the 40s, interrupted by several days of  of near-freezing night-time lows. Thus danger still lurks.
