Spray Diary: Fifth Spray

Spray Date: May 14, 2017

The scheduled date for this spray was May 14, a Sunday, which is my favored day of the week to spray. I am now back on cycle, 12 days after my last spray. The vineyard shows little sign of disease, but that doesn't mean "No Signs": there are a few leaves here and there with disease. Part of the problem is knowing when the disease is active, or the remnants of a past episode that has been halted by the Agrifos.

Vine growth dictated an increase in the volume of spray from 15 gallons to 20 gallons. I also hoped for a little left at the end to spray the apple and peach trees. I used my spreadsheet to determine the volume of each component. Herewith the tank mix for the Fifth Spray of the season:
  • Revus Top—39 ml to prevent Black Rot, Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew.
  • Manzate Pro-Stick—8 oz. dry weight, measured on a small scale.
  • Rally—2 oz. dry weight of Rally. The spreadsheet calls for 2.67 oz., but I had 2 oz. in a half-pouch from the last spray.
  • Agrifos—The spreadsheet calls for 10.67 fluid oz. or 320 ml. I used the latter because it is easier to read on my measuring cup.
  • Elevate—2.67 oz. of Elevate 30 WDG.
  • Sevin RL—320 ml. (10.67 oz.) of liquid Sevin concentrate.
  • Latron B—1/2 fluid oz (15 ml or one tablespoon) to the mix as a spreader-sticker. My friend Denny Allen swears by this stuff, and says rain other than a toad-strangler will not wash off the spray solution.
Following the tank mix spray, I drained the small remaining mixture and refilled the tank with fresh water and 2.7 oz. per gallon of Farmworks brand Glyphosate to kill grass and weeds coming up through the gravel on my driveway, as well as around my tractor implements.

I followed that with a thorough tank cleaning. I am a true zealout in my pursuit of tank cleanliness. I rinse thoroughly with clean water, running the water through the pump and all the spray outlets (gun and boom) as well as through the re-circulation hose. I follow that with Farmworks brand Spray Tank Cleaner and Flush from Tractor Supply. That gets circulated through the pump, all hoses and spray nozzles, followed by a flush with clean water. I am now in year three of pump life.

Next planned spray date is May 28. 
