Spray Diary: Sixth Spray

Spray Date: May 28, 2017

Vine growth has again dictated an increase in the volume of spray from 20 gallons to 25 gallons. I also hoped for a little left at the end to spray the apple and peach trees. I used my spreadsheet to determine the volume of each component. Herewith the tank mix for the Sixth Spray of the season:
  • Revus Top—50 ml to prevent Black Rot, Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew.
  • Manzate Pro-Stick—10 oz. dry weight, measured on a small scale. This is the last time I use this due to the pre-harvest limitation of 66 days.
  • Rally—3.3 oz. dry weight of Rally. 
  • Agrifos—400 ml. of Agrifos
  • Elevate—3.3 oz. of Elevate 30 WDG.
  • Sevin RL—400 ml. of liquid Sevin concentrate.
  • Latron B—1 fluid oz to the mix as a spreader-sticker.
Next planned spray date is June 11.
