Fourth Spray

Spray Date: May 9

I switched to a ten-day interval in response to the rapid growth of the active vines. Some varieties—particularly Syrah—have grown as much as 12 inches in the past ten days, thus there is substantial growth that is unprotected from fungus. I mixed 25 gallons of spray composed of the following tank mixture:
  • Rally—2 oz. I probably have been overdosing the Rally up to this point.
  • Captan—10 oz. liquid suspension.
  • Reliant—400 ml
  • Sevin—400 ml
  • Latron B—30 ml added as a spreader-sticker. 
I will reduced the amount of spray to 25 gallons, as I have dialed in the application and do not need the additional 5 gallons at this time. I'm not sure I will ever need to spray more than 25 gallons at any one application.

I did not include Revus Top in this application, and I substituted Captan for the Manzate Pro-Stick.. The Revus Top label warns against two consecutive applications, which I violated with the third tank mix.

The 24-in. strip under the vines show the results of the Glyphosate I sprayed last week. The vegetation is not dead yet, but is on its way.
