Winter Losses, or Late Sleepers?

I am anxiously awaiting bud break on about 15 percent of my vines, wondering if the abnormally hard freezes over the winter, and two severe freezes that hit well past the norm, dealt a fatal blow to the sleeping vines.

Both of the late freezes struck when some buds had pushed and others were swelling. I guess this will provide some insight into the durability of grapevines.

There doesn't seem to be any pattern to the late bloomers, other than they seem clusters of adjacent vines, usually two or three in a group. Cabernet Sauvignon vines in random locations (middle of one row, the ends of others) are still dormant. About half the Viognier at the creek end of the vineyard has yet to awaken, and there are worrisome clusters in the Baco Noir, St. Vincent, Merlot, Zinfandel and Arandell. No variety is exempt.

The roses at the ends of the rows also took hard hits from the late freezes, and for a time it looked fatal to some. Time has proven them durable, however, and all but one have spring back to life.
