Getting Ready for the 2020 Harvest


These are random berry samples of Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc taken on Aug. 17. I took two samples of Syrah, one from the outside row and one from the inside row. The Cab varieties were a single sample from multiple rows. Berries were taken from both sides of the row for all varieties. The juice was tested immediately after crushing in the plastic bag, and had not settled when tested with a refractometer. Notice the differences in color: the Cab F. almost looked oxidized with a greenish brown tint, and the Cab S. was a deeper pink than the two Syrah samples.

Testing for Ripeness

I tested the sugar today on three varieties of reds—Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc—to see where we stand as of Aug. 17, 2020. We've had several inches of rain over the past ten days, including one inch on Aug. 15, as well as cooler temperatures over the same period. The combination is one of the problems growing vinifera grapes in North Carolina. For June and July, we had serial 90+ degree days and no rain; now, when I need hot dry weather, I get sub-90 degree days and plenty of rain.

I randomly picked one or two berries from each vine, taking from different parts of each cluster. The berries were brought into the lab, cooled in a refrigerator for about 30 minutes, then crushed by hand. Each sample was poured into a 150 ml beaker and tested with a refractometer to determine the brix. It is  interesting to compare the different colors of the samples. The Syrah was bright pink, the Cabernet Sauvignon notably darker pink, and the Cab Franc pale pink with a brownish-green tint. The Cab F.  surprised with the higher Brix, and did not taste vegetal as I expected from the color. The samples were tested at 2:15 p.m. before they were allowed to settle.

After an hour settling, the results were slightly improved when tested with the refractometer. All showed a slightly higher brix. The Cab S. changed the least, and also settled the least when compared to the other samples.
Brix measurements taken at 3:25 p.m. after allowing one hour for the juice samples to settle. The Cab S. had the least change in brix, but also settled the least.
